The Heritage Keepers, on The Business Times


My project and culinary efforts were featured in “The Heritage Keepers” on The Business Times Singapore on 15th July 2019.

By day, Kevin Lee runs Invisible Photography Asia, a platform for photography and visual arts which organises events, exhibitions and workshops to shine a spotlight on emerging photographers in the region.

But on the weekends, you are more likely to find Mr Lee, 46, slaving over a stove, frying up Poon’s Chilli Sauce - a fiery concoction of chilli, spices, peanuts and Sichuan peppercorns - named after his late father. Since he started in June, he’s sold about 200 bottles, the proceeds of which will go towards a cookbook tribute to his Dad.

Read more on The Business Times website: “The Heritage Keepers”


Island Curry Night Launches


POON’S at the Dempsey Village Christmas Markets